Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bonkers with a cell phone

Hipstamatic / Winkelman, AZ.

Cell phone photography has gone bonkers. Image quality has risen to a point where the work looks great. You don't even need to hold the camera to your face or close one eye. When people say everyone is a photographer now. It's so true. What defines a photographer these days. It's all over the place. Imagine being a fine art photographer who makes a living selling images. Good luck! Just look at Instagram. Quality photography is being produced by 10's of thousands of people all over the world.

Beyond my commercial work, this type of photography is still a self indulging practice for me. I can't live my life through how many "likes" I receive. It has to be fun for me or why do it at all.

I'm still shooting film but not as much.

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